JavaScript is the language of the web. It can be seen in almost any website today as it makes them richer by adding features and functionalities that can interact with the user in real time.

After the recent DevCon Java Code Camp, they organized a code camp again for students about JavaScript at Microsoft Philippines HQ. It's the DevCon JavaScript Code Camp.

Microsoft Philippines
Microsoft Philippines


The event was commenced with an introduction to DevCon or Developers Connect (shown in the header), followed by a partner talk where Mr. Miguel Arcilla, a Micosoft Developer Tools Specialist talked about Visual Studio Dev Essentials. How we can build an application with JavaScript using its components and run it on any platform, and a bit of the recent Microsoft Build 2016.


Main Course

Followed by Josef Monje to discuss about JavaScript. He started it with an overview of HTML, the tags, selectors, and how it can be used with JavaScript.

HTML Introduction

Then he introduced us the language, talked about creating, accessing, and modifying variables, different data types and the JavaScript weak-typing, arrays and objects, operators, and more.

Mini Challenge

After some of the language juice, he asked us to create a script that will loop in an array of numbers, check for a condition, and print an output in the browser console. He called it FizzBuzz.

if n is divisible by both 3 and 5
   print "FizzBuzz"
else if n is divisible by 3 only
   print "Fizz"
else if n is divisible by 5 only
   print "Buzz"
   print n

After lunch, we got a mini challenge about CSS selectors. We played the CSS Diner where you should select the specified element and conditions using CSS selectors.

CSS Diner

The Real Challenge

Finally, the Hackathon part where we were challenged to make and design the best personal site using what we have discussed earlier. After it, they asked for volunteers to present their work where the judges will pick for the winners.

Humble brag ahead.

I presented my work, shared what I did, and bragged how I did it without using any design framework (lol).

My work

Just one thing I forgot to mention to them. I made it responsive to smaller screen widths.

My work in smaller screen

I still got the best CSS award (forgot how they named the award) though and got some prizes.


More pictures of the event at DevCon Philippines Facebook page. Look for the hashtag #javascriptcodecamp to find them easier.

Follow their Facebook page and their website for upcoming events.